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Ik heb dit systeem gevonden in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vestics/ (Zie "Contact gezocht" gestart door FM) in het Stad05.zip PDF bestand.
Dit is een Pivot Point handelssysteem wat een 70% trefkans met Treasury Bonds heeft, volgens de documentatie.
Na alles overgetikt te hebben lijkt Vestics alles te accepteren behalve Condition1 en Condition2. Het gaat dan om SwingLow en SwingHigh waar een foutmelding uitkomt. Na Ctrl-F9 springt het naar deze functies en dan SwingLowBar en zegt: "Function SwingLow,fout in regel 4,pos 13,fout-35: verwacht hier een naam van een variabele".
Inputs: HiLoLen(8), ATRLen(10), SetUpInt(4), XAvgLen(9), SetUpLen(24), RiskMult(2), HiLoStop(44);
Vars: LPivot(0), HPivot(0), EMA(0), BuySetupHigh(0), BuySetupCount(100), SellSetupLow(0), SellSetupCount(100);
Vars: BuySetupLow(0), SellSetupHigh(0), LExitFlag(0), SExitFlag(0), LExitLow(0), SExitHigh(0), PMult(2), TT(0);
Condition1 = SwingLow(1, Low, 1, 2)<>-1;
Condition2 = SwingHigh(1, High, 1, 2)<>-1;
Condition3 = Low[1] = Lowest(Low, HiLoLen)[1];
Condition4 = High[1] = Highest(High, HiLoLen)[1];
Condition5 = TrueRange > AvgTrueRange(ATRLen);
LPivot = MRO(Condition1 AND Condition3, SetUpInt,1);
HPivot = MRO(Condition2 AND Condition4, SetUpInt,1);
EMA = XAverage(Close, XAvgLen);
TT= TotalTrades;
{Buy Setup}
If LPivot > 0 AND Lowest(Low, LPivot) < Low[LPivot+1] Then Begin
IF Condition5 AND Close > MaxList(Close[1], Open , Low +
(2*(TrueRange/3)),Low[LPivot+1]) Then Begin
BuySetupHigh = High;
BuySetupLow = Low;
BuySetupCount = 0;
{Sell Setup}
If HPivot > 0 AND Highest(High, HPivot) > High[HPivot+1] Then Begin
IF Condition5 AND Close < MinList(Close[1], Open , Low + (TrueRange/3),
High[HPivot+1]) Then Begin
SellSetupLow = Low;
SellSetupHigh = High;
SellSetupCount = 0;
{Breakeven Stops, above floor}
If MarketPosition = 1 Or TT <> TT[1] Then Begin
BuySetupCount = SetUpLen;
If Close > EntryPrice + (PMult*(EntryPrice - LExitLow)) Or
LExitFlag = 0 Then Begin
ExitLong Next Bar at EntryPrice Stop;
LExitFlag = 0;
If MarketPosition = -1 Or TT <> TT[1] Then Begin
SellSetupCount = SetUpLen;
If Close < EntryPrice - (PMult*(SExitHigh - EntryPrice)) Or
SExitFlag = 0 Then Begin
ExitShort Next Bar at EntryPrice Stop;
SExitFlag = 0;
{variable counters for Entry}
BuySetupCount = BuySetupCount + 1;
SellSetupCount = SellSetupCount + 1;
{Long Entry}
If BuySetupCount <= SetUpLen Then Begin
If BuySetupHigh + 1 Point > EMA Then Begin
Buy Next Bar at BuySetupHigh + 1 Point Stop;
LExitLow = BuySetupLow;
LExitFlag = 1;
{Short Entry}
If SellSetupCount <= SetUpLen Then Begin
If SellSetupLow + 1 Point < EMA Then Begin
Sell Next Bar at SellSetupLow - 1 Point Stop;
SExitHigh = SellSetupHigh;
SExitFlag = 1;
{Initial Breakeven Stops}
If LExitFlag = 1 Then ExitLong Next Bar at LExitLow - 1 Point Stop;
If SExitFlag = 1 Then ExitShort Next Bar at SExitHigh + 1 Point Stop;
{System Exits}
ExitLong Next Bar at Highest(High, HiLoStop) Limit;
ExitShort Next Bar at Lowest(Low, HiLoStop) Limit;