Hoi Predictor Stick,
Als je kijkt naar de Gebruiksvoorwaarden van de site dan zie je dat het niet toegestaan is om de data in te lezen in andere programma's. Met name Artikel 20 is daar expliciet in:
20. ACCEPTABLE USAGE POLICY : As a provider of real-time streaming stock market data, ADVFN plc offers its customers the means to acquire said data via its online tools and products.
Customers are not permitted to utilise third party tools, applications or services that connect to, crawl, search, bot or stream from ADVFN plc infrastructure in order to collate datum without the express consent of ADVFN plc.
ADVFN plc reserves the right to take certain preventative or corrective actions against users who abuse the data, products and services provided.
vr. groeten,
Pierre Dolmans
Vestics helpdesk